The training systems of electronic circuits are designed for educational practice.
All components are separated as in transparent plastic boxes with magnetic stand on a
grid panel or without magnetic on a rubber matrix. Circuit assemble is made by leads
plug. The training systems are used in some certain experiments, it can be completed
according to the written experiment manual and also you can design other more
experiments with yourself.
The training system is used in the analog electronic circuits, it can be completed according
to the F1-1 experiment manual. Totally 33 recommend experiments are contained in this
system with the corresponding components and more experiments can be designed to do by
1. Grid panel and tray / 1 pc |
1: Series resistors circuit 2: Parallel resistors circuit 3: Compound resistors circuit 4: Ohm's law I = F (V) 5: Ohm's law I = F (R) 6: Kirchhoff's Laws on voltage 7: Kirchhoff's Laws on current 8: Superposition theorem 9: Thevenin's theorem 10: Norton's theorem 11: Voltage divider circuit 12: Wheatstone bridge circuit 13: R, C series circuit in AC circuit 14: R, L series circuit in AC circuit 15: R, L, C series circuit in AC circuit 16: Characteristics of transistor 17: Common base transistor amplifier circuit 18: Common emitter transistor amplifier circuit |
19: Common collector transistor amplifier circuit 20: Constant DC voltage control circuit with transistor 21: Capacitors in series and parallel circuit 22: Characteristics of PTC resistor 23: Characteristics of NTC resistor 24: Characteristics of the transformer 26: Full-wave rectifier 27: The function of the relay 28: Inductors in series and parallel circuit 29: Magnetic induction circuit transformer 30: Characteristics of diode in DC circuit 31: Characteristics of diode in AC circuit 32: Rectifier and filter current circuit 33: Characteristics of Zener diode |